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Conservation Commission 03/12/13
Conservation Commission
March 12, 2013
Approved April 23, 2013

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Chuck Crickman, Member; Bill Annable, Bob Stewart, Alternates;  Dick Wright, Ex-Officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.


The Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC) reviewed the minutes of December 11, 2012 and made no corrections. Mr. Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor.

The NCC reviewed the minutes of February 12, 2013 and made corrections. Mr. Annable made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

Commission Members/Alternates
Ms. Holmes suggested making two changes to the current roster of NCC members and alternates: Mr. Stewart becomes a full Member; and, Ms. Levine becomes an Alternate. Mr. Stewart agreed and Ms. Holmes said Ms. Levine agreed. Ms. Holmes said she will write to the Board of Selectmen to indicate the requested changes.

Buffer Cut Information
Mr. Wright said he spoke with the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) regarding the procedure for keeping the NCC informed of buffer cut applications and follow up. The CEO indicated that all relevant information is placed in the NCC’s mailbox. Ms. Holmes noted that she will follow up with the CEO about the current procedures following Town Meeting.

Ms. Holmes reported the following Intents to Cut:

  • March 4, 2013, from William Weiler, Gillingham Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 050-166-200, a supplemental Intent to Cut for original operation # 12-321-09-T, 20,000 feet of oak, and 40,000 feet of hemlock, by logger James S. Burnett, Lay of the Land Forestry, 484 Canaan Street, Canaan, NH 03741, telephone (603) 523-2074.
There were no Buffer Zone Cuts to report.

There were no Wetlands/Shorelands communications from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) to report.

There were no NCC Notification letters to report.

Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC the following letters/emails:
  • A letter from Watermark Marine Construction to the NH DES Wetlands Bureau regarding the dock repairs at the Pine Cliff dock, indicating some of the crib support structures were of a different size than what was on the plan.
There was general discussion regarding the town’s application process for docks or buildings that touched the lake.


Sunapee Hills Association Project
Ms. Holmes discussed the status of the funding efforts for the Sunapee Hills Association Project, noting that the LCHIP grant was denied. She added that the group has approached Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA) for additional funding. The LSPA Board will discuss the possibility and respond accordingly.

Andrew Brook Trailhead Parking Lot
Ms. Holmes noted that the Andrew Brook Trailhead Parking Lot project funding efforts are still in process.

Wild Goose Boat Launch Project
Ms. Holmes noted that the State Supreme Court will hear the town’s rebuttal argument on April 11, 2013. There was general discussion regarding the NH Fish & Game’s strategies and funding sources regarding this project.


Planning Board Sign-Off Sheets
The NCC reviewed and signed off on three applications being considered by the Planning Board on April 16, 2013:
  • Case 2013-004: Final Review – Lot Line Adjustment- Nester & Pellerin/ Agent: RCS Designs attn: Bob Stewart 938-2256.  Map/Lot 031-615-009 & 031-640-002 & 032-476-448;
  • Case 2013-005: Final Review- Minor Subdivision- John & Julie Pellerin/Agent: RCS Designs attn: Bob Stewart 938-2256. Map/Lot 032-476-448; and,
  • Case 2013-002: Final Review – Site Plan Review- Baker Hill Golf Club/Agent: Bob Turcotte 763-8900 or 496-8552.  Wants to install a “Sandstor” silo-type structure to house their topdressing sand.  Map/Lot 038-758-501.
The NCC reviewed the following application and surfaced significant concerns regarding traffic flow, parking spaces, stream/pond impact, stormwater runoff plans and drainage provisions:
  • Case 2013-001: Final Review – Site Plan Review- Newbury Plaza LLC/Agent: Bruss Construction 938-6516.  Wants to move the location of the Lake Sunapee Bank within the plaza to the former Tackle Shack location and install a drive up window. Map/Lot 020-200-298.
The NCC agreed that there were environmental and conservation concerns connected with this project. Ms. Holmes agreed to submit the CC’s concerns to the Planning Board regarding this project.

Upcoming Conferences
Commissioners discussed upcoming conferences of interest including Society for the Protection of NH Forests’ (SPNHF’s) “Saving Special Places” on April 6, 2013, and the NH Water & Watershed Conference on March 22, 2013. Mr. Crickman and Mr. Stewart plan to attend the former and Mr. Stewart plans to attend the latter.

There was general discussion on watershed management plans and an effort led by LSPA to standardize the watershed management strategies within each town. Ms. Holmes described the collaborative efforts of the NH Conservation Commission, Granite State Rural Water Commission, Antioch College, and the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UVLSRPC) regarding the project.

Mr. Annable made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary